Accounting Specialist
Verifiable Training for Real Estate Agents
Sam Corbeau
Malcolm Morris
Are you looking for an accountant who can do it all? Supporting local business to realize their dreams is Sam's motto. Sam is lightning fast, she's friendly, super efficient and she educates you along the way. Why settle for anything less than the best?
Contact Sam today:
P: 021 176 1355
E: enquiries@corbeauaccounting.co.nz
W: https://www.corbeauaccounting.co.nz/
Malcolm is the owner and director of Agents TV Limited. He has worked in real estate since 1989 and has been a salesperson, agency owner and auctioneer. His passion is to provide high quality continuing professional development to agents so they can further their knowledge within the industry.
Contact Malcolm today:
P: 022 505 9220
E: support@agentstv.co.nz
W: https://learning.agentstv.co.nz/
*Please note, any business recommended here is one that we have personally used and one we highly rate, no referral fee's are paid to either party.